Darkness Rising_A Reverse Harem Series Read online

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  Seated directly before me is Trill Loss. His gaze shifts quietly across my features. The heavy weight pressing on my chest demands that I look anywhere but at him.

  “I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well, Vi.” His words pull at my attention until I’m forced to pass him a small smile.

  Even my smile makes my stomach turn in a sickly manner. The false happiness makes everything so much worse.

  “Thanks.” It’s a breath of a word, barely a sound at all.

  “Who’s that?” Cameron asks me in a low whisper.

  I pause before stabbing harshly at the leafy salad on my plate.

  When he realizes I’m not going to answer, he straightens in his chair. His attention remains on the man seated across from me.

  “That’s Trill,” Link says from the other side of Cameron. “He was engaged to Violence before she joined the Hunt.”

  My spine stiffens, my eyes closing slowly.

  Why would he share my history with a stranger?

  “He kept showing up every time we reaped for almost a year. His magic is interesting, I’ll give him that. I’ve never seen someone track like that.” Link’s quiet tone is buzzing in my ears. “No one’s seen more death than that guy. All because he loved a Huntress. Poor bastard.”

  “Shut up,” I seethe through clenched teeth. My eyes open slowly and Trill’s sorrow-filled gaze holds mine for so long I want to scream. I want to throw this fucking food at the wall just to feel something more.

  The heavy weight of my father’s attention is on me. The fork in my hand bends as my fists shake against the glossy tabletop.

  Trill was the first man I ever loved. The man I was supposed to grow old with in a simple life. Instead, I chase down death every night.

  I’ll never feel love again.

  “This has been a really nice evening, Mom. Really great.” A trembling breath filters through my words. “We have to go though.”

  Jeriko stands abruptly on the other side of the table, his chair raking across the polished tile like he can’t take another mundane second of this lifestyle.

  “Darling, don’t go.” My mother’s deep red lips press together and her regret filled gaze swallows me alive.

  A strong wind sweeps around the room, tugging at my mother’s long crimson hair. Glittering magic pulls from my fingertips, dissolving my existence and tearing at me slowly.

  My eyes lock onto the sad look in Trill’s eyes. I memorize the unhappiness in his features. With another shaking breath, I grip Cameron’s hand and hope my magic pulls him away as well.

  Within seconds, I leave that life behind, swirling out into the night air as fast as the wind will take me.

  Because that isn’t my life at all anymore.

  Chapter Six


  The campfire blazes warm embers into the night sky.

  A sense of calm pushes into me at the simple sight of it. Link started the fire. I know he did. He always has one ready to make me feel better. It does help. It takes my mind off of life in general.

  I hate the way my mind works. I hate the dark thoughts that slip in when I’m not paying attention.

  Starting tomorrow things will be different. Starting tomorrow I’m going to make a change in my life somehow.

  It is my life after all.

  I slump low, knees bending as I look into the sizzling flames. The light of it reflects against my skin, giving my complexion a darker, sun kissed glow.

  When I finally sit down, Cameron is right there at my side.

  “You should get some sleep,” he says as he stares into the heart of the fire. His amber eyes are like liquid gold as he looks into the flames, and for an instant, I see the powerful magic within them.

  “I don’t sleep much.” My voice is a whisper over an echo.

  An hour or two a night is all I ever manage. I used to think it was a Wild Hunt curse, but as I stayed up at night, I realized the men slept just fine.

  It’s just me.

  Link keeps his distance, choosing to sit opposite of me on the other side of the fire. His jaw tightens as he watches Cameron closely.

  Jeriko walks away altogether, fading out into the darkness to be alone, as he normally does. Nollix doesn’t acknowledge any of us. He stands near Link but neither of them speak to one another. Nollix grabs the back of his shirt and starts to pull. The firelight skims across the deep lines of his chest as he pulls his shirt over his head. The inky lines of the Wild Hunt glimmer along his shoulder and down his ribs. My heartbeat makes itself known as I watch him quietly from a few feet away. My hands wrap around my knees pulling them closer to my chest as I stare intently at the beautiful man. His dark locks hang loosely around his strong features, but the shadows keep me from seeing the color of his eyes.

  I’ve spent three years watching Nollix undress before bed and wishing he were kinder than he really is. Our eyes lock from over the tips of the flames and his hard gaze narrows on my appraising eyes before he too strides off into the shadows.

  “Do you wish you could sleep?” Cameron’s question pulls at my attention.

  Slowly, I nod.

  I do wish I could sleep more. I wish for a few hours I could escape my constant, looming thoughts about my life or lack thereof.

  “Come here.” His arm is held out to me.

  Like an animal expecting a trap, I assess everything about him. The hard frame of his body, the light muscle tone, the sincere smile held in his features.

  He seems harmless. Trustworthy even.

  Again, he nods, encouraging me to come closer to him.

  I lean into him and his warm palm skims over my upper arm as he guides me toward the ground. His body melds against mine, his chest against my back as we lie side by side.

  It’s intimate and strange and addicting all at once. His body against mine is comforting, and the feeling of safety surrounds me.

  I shouldn’t be as comfortable as I am. Honestly, I’m only comfortable because I know I outpower this mysterious man. Of the four Fae in the Wild Hunt, I’m the quietest. But I’m also the strongest.

  “Do you trust me?” he whispers against my hair.

  My legs shift against his.

  I want to. In a weird way I want someone—one person at least—who I can trust in this world.

  But I don’t.

  “Not at all.” My eyes begin to lower as I try to keep focused on the fire.

  Cameron’s light laughter shakes against my back.

  “Well, try to pretend you do.”

  A smile pulls at my lips and for a few seconds I do try to pretend he’s someone worthy of trust. It isn’t hard to believe he’s a kind person.

  Link’s beautiful lavender eyes narrow on the two of us snuggling in the dirt. He shoves harshly against the ground before standing.

  I watch him as he strides off into the night just like the others.

  A line creases my brows. His odd behavior churns curiosity through me.

  Is he jealous? Is that what jealousy looks like?

  A swirling calm begins to drift through my mind. It pulls all through my tired body.

  His magic.

  I turn slowly in his arms until I’m looking up at the glittering stars, struggling to keep my eyes open as I look up at Cameron. His palm settles over my stomach.

  “You’re okay,” he says quietly.

  My lashes flutter, sleep pulls at my mind.

  “What are you?” I mumble.

  But my thoughts slip away before he ever replies.

  Chapter Seven

  Quiet Rage

  I wish I could say I dream. I wish my mind gifted me beautiful things to believe in. Only hours of emptiness come. It’s peaceful and nice.

  My body jostles awake. A chirping sound filters through my thoughts early the next morning. My eyes open as Nollix kicks hard at Cameron’s leg.

  “Wake the fuck up, Thief.”

  Three shadows block out the morning sunlight.

  It takes me a second to
realize my face is buried in Cameron’s soft shirt, my hands pressing against his chest between us.

  Quickly, I roll away from him, sitting up before I’m even fully awake.

  “We think you’ve overstayed your welcome.” Nollix glares down at Cameron, and I peer up at the three of them and their aggressive behavior.

  Cameron sits up slowly, his squinting and tired eyes held on the men of the Wild Hunt. He’s right to be apprehensive. As powerful as I think Cameron is, these three are deadly.

  “We made an appointment with a Warlock this morning,” Jeriko says with a smile that makes me think of the devil himself.

  “A Warlock?” I stand slowly and my attention settles on Link. He’s the reasonable one.

  “Warlocks will be able to break this bond.” He nods to the space between Cameron and I.

  A strange feeling of loss fills my chest. It presses in on me until I swallow it down hard.

  What if I don’t want the bond broken? What if I like having someone alive to remind me that I too am alive.

  My arms fold slowly over my chest as I realize I’m being irrational. I can’t keep this man like a pet.

  Even if he is a really good pet.


  The house ahead of us is small but adorable. Adorable shouldn’t be a word used to describe Warlocks should it?

  Tiny blue flowers dot the white picket fence line. The heavy floral smell guides our path as our boots stomp up the sidewalk. It’s the only house in sight. It rests happily atop a sloping hill. Secluded and alone.

  This feels like a bad idea.

  Despite how cute and homemaker this house appears, you never want to be on a Warlock’s bad side. Nollix tells me that even Demons are cautious when Warlocks are involved.

  Nollix doesn’t seem concerned at all as he knocks loudly against the blue front door.

  The wind catches his hair and he glances at me from beneath his long lashes before pulling his attention quickly away.

  That’s how it’s always been between us. We cling to that avoidance because we both know confrontation follows if we don’t.

  With great effort, the four of us combine our magic. It swirls around us chaotically in ashen colors. It takes concentrated power, but I feel it the moment it clicks into place.

  The veil of invisibility that always shrouds my existence lifts away. It won’t last long, even I know that, but it’s a tingling and amazing feeling. The air feels cooler against my skin. I wish it could always be like this. But the revealing magic of the Wild Hunt has its limits.

  Link stands at my side, shifting his weight. His knuckles brush mine.

  “This won’t take long. It’ll be figured out in just a few hours.”

  I step carefully away from him, avoiding his minimal contact.

  I’m not a weak little girl who needs these fucks to take care of her.

  “Did you ever think it’s a problem I could have taken care of myself?” My fingers dig into my palms.

  “Well, yeah, but you don’t have to, Vi.” Link’s voice sounds harder now and even Jeriko glances back at the two of us. “The Wild Hunt is a family. Not that you ever wanted to be our family.”

  My teeth grind painfully together.

  “I don’t owe you anything, Linkin.” My lips purse as I glare hard at the side of his face. “I never asked to be your family.”

  Nollix turns and levels me with a fuming look.

  “You think any of us asked for this?” Nollix is right there in my face, breathing down on me with a manic look in his deep blue eyes.

  My chest brushes his as I stare up at him.

  “Step back from me. Now.” The magic within me shakes to life and I know when he feels it.

  His eyes shift back and forth between mine as he considers me for a minute. The pink of his tongue rolls across his lower lip and he tips his head down even closer to me.

  “Did it ever occur to you that I want to see the quiet rage you tuck so carefully away, Violence?” A taunting smile threatens his full lips and it makes my blood boil.

  Why does he say the craziest things?

  The pretty blue door swings open, and for a second, Nollix is still breathing down on me with intent.

  “Cameron, how nice to see you again. Who are your friends?”

  My attention shifts to the thief at my side before pushing past Nollix to see a smiling man. His eyes glow an eerie golden color as he gives Cameron a welcoming look.

  “You know this guy?” I ask, my nerves prickling with anticipation.

  Cameron’s lips part, but he’s cut off by the pleasant Warlock.

  “Of course he does. Cameron’s magic is hard to ignore. He’s the most powerful Warlock in Fallen.”

  All attention is on the sweet little thief at my side.


  Chapter Eight

  The Warlock

  Steam wafts from petite tea cups and the Warlock, Berlin, passes them out one by one. I’m seated on the world’s tiniest fucking loveseat, my knee knocking against Cameron’s every now and then.

  It’s a weird home. It reminds me of my great aunt’s house. The crazy aunt my father doesn’t like people to know about. Pale shades of pink and blue accent the wallpaper. Fake flowers bush out from the corners of the room while at least a dozen cats drift from space to space.

  One leaps from the floor to the loveseat. It’s soft fur brushes against my arm and I stiffen from the animal’s abrupt contact.

  “Pay no attention to Colonel Cumberbatch. They’re very harmless creatures.” Berlin’s eyes are like burning embers and he himself has a catlike demeanor that I can’t seem to look away from. He drapes himself into the nearest tiny chair, his legs crossing as he leans forward. “What can I do for the legendary Wild Hunt?”

  I keep my lips sealed, taking in the details of the room and the odd man before me. It’s something I started doing when my father sent me away. It’s easier to just listen; to collect the details of life for a later time.

  “This,” Nollix pauses as his eyes shift to Cameron. The three Huntsmen refused the small chairs Berlin offered them.

  The impolite bastards.

  They stand with intimidating posture near the door. Shining onyx-colored swords hang from their belts and I know they wouldn’t hesitate to use the magically infused weapons.

  “This Warlock accidentally got his soul tied to our friend here.” Nollix stares hard at the side of Cameron’s face.

  His friend. We’re friends in the sense that I don’t have a choice in the matter. Friends who push each other into danger just to pass the time.

  The best of friends.

  “Sorry to seem repetitive, but what can I do about it?” Berlin tips his head up to look at Nollix.

  A long sigh parts Nollix’s lips.

  “I want you to sever the bond.” An irritated tone clings to his words.

  Cameron shifts against my side. I’m just starting to realize how quiet he’s been; for the entire day actually.

  Suspiciously quiet.

  Berlin’s warm gaze pulls slowly toward Cameron, his eyes flickering between the two of us.

  “I—I can’t.”

  A light clattering sound accompanies his tea cup as he sets it carefully upon its saucer on the table between us.

  “And why the fuck not?” Jeriko takes a single step closer to the three of us.

  Berlin’s curious attention drifts toward the assertive Fae. He studies the three men, letting the seconds tick.

  His palm pushes down the length of his pastel tie. He smooths the fabric of his crisp white shirt.

  “Because a Warlock cannot alter the magic of another Warlock.”

  Jeriko’s jaw tics severely and I stand at the feel of his rising anger. It’s a feeling that shifts through all of us. We’re in tune with one another. A sparking feeling floods my senses and I know he’s about to do something stupid.

  “What does that mean?” I cross the room. The white carpet pads my steps until I’m standing
between the three men and Berlin.

  “He means,” Cameron studies the depth of the dark tea he holds in his big hands, “his magic can’t change my magic.”

  “What magic?” My eyes narrow on the thieving Warlock.

  He looks like a giant on the ridiculous, child-sized furniture. He clears his throat, still not meeting my eyes. The power within me begins to pick up speed, swirling around my veins with vengeance.

  “You didn’t just find me in that alley. You didn’t stumble into me by chance.” Cameron’s voice is steady, his words seeming well thought out. A single, quiet step closer to him is taken as I start to consider everything I know about this stranger. “They upped the security after I broke in. I wanted a pawn to lead me back into the palace.” Another deliberate step brings me closer to him as my lips purse tightly together. “I knew the King’s daughter was in the Wild Hunt. I knew you would take me to him.” His trusting eyes finally meet mine and unrepressed rage rips through me.

  His next statement is so quiet it’s barely heard.

  “You’re the pawn that can lead me to the King.”

  Then the room explodes around us.

  Chapter Nine

  Severed Souls

  Cats fly around the room like flakes of snow in a blizzard. Floral colors burst, severing from the walls and tearing away from the structure of this quaint little home. Nollix watches with wide, excited attention while everyone else covers their heads the best they can. Berlin clings helplessly to a wide-eyed and fretful kitten as he crouches low on the floor, hiding from the chaos that spins around what’s left of his home.

  I stand waiting. My gaze blazes into the Warlock cowering on the floor at my feet. Long strands of my blonde hair whip across my face, but not even the painful shards of wood against my skin deter my glaring eyes.

  “Do I still look like a pawn, Cameron Crows?” My steady voice scarcely carries among the destruction.

  I lower myself, crouching at his side as he curls into his body, his hands clinging over his thick dark hair. My arms rest lazily against my knees. A chunk of timber flies past my face and still I stare down on him.


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